Do you eat in front of the TV? Or read the paper during breakfast? Or do you have lunch with your coworkers during meetings?
If so, you might want to rethink your potentially hazardous habit.
I know I'm guilty myself. I truly believe that I can multi-task well. If I'm home alone, why sit at my table by myself to eat when I can watch the evening news and/or dine in the "company" of my Facebook or Twitter friends at the same time? I can listen in on a conference call while eating. Why take time out to do just one thing?
Here's why. According to a UK review of 24 past studies, if you eat meals or snacks while watching TV, playing video games or reading (a book or online) you are likely taking in more calories during that meal, especially if this happens later in the day. This may not be a problem if you are happy with your current weight, but if you want to shed a few pounds, this isn't going to help you reach your goals.
My challenge this week? Be present. Be mindful. And think before you eat.
How do you get started? Meetings over lunch may be unavoidable, especially those mandated by your manager; however, on your own time, you can choose your surroundings for meals and social events to make the situation work in your favor. Start with these 3 steps:
Turn off the TV, the smartphones and the tablets. Whether you have a family at home, roommates, or it's just you, turn it off. Focus on the smell, the flavors and how full you feel instead. It might be a little awkward at first, but if you are with friends or family, this might actually force you to talk to each other. (A+ for those who already do this!)
Don't eat in the car. I know it's tempting to take your coffee and/or breakfast to go in the car for that hour-long commute in the morning. If you simply don't have time to eat before hitting the road, take your breakfast to go, sip your coffee in the car, and eat the food you brought once you get to the office. Not only does this make you a more mindful eater, but you'll be a more alert driver and your car won't need as many trips to the car wash vacuum either.
Take your own snack to the theatre. Movie theatres are a perfect example of distracted eating. You buy a bag of popcorn and a drink, the movie begins and before you know it - it's gone. I made this mistake one day with movie theatre candy. I hadn't eaten lunch and stupidly thought I'd just sub the calories and splurge on one of my favorites. I managed to eat the entire box. Yes, the movie theatre size box. And my stomach wasn't the same for the next 24 hours. If you want a treat, pack a small snack in a ziploc bag in advance and a bottle of water. And carry a big purse.
How do you focus on eating healthy? Share your tips on our
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