As Corey Dee Williams, a trainer friend of mine says, "Abs are made in the kitchen." There is truth in this statement. No matter how much exercise you do, or how many calories you burn, if you take in more calories than you burn, you are not going to see results. You may have strong abs, but if they are under a layer of fat, no one will ever know!
In regards to exercise, a recent Duke University research study found that aerobic exercise is much more effective than weight training alone for burning off visceral fat - not "muffin top fat" - but the more dangerous fat that lives within the abdomen in and around organs.
Researchers compared two groups - those who did the equivalent of 12 miles of jogging per week at 80 percent maximum heart rate with those who did three sets of eight to 12 repetitions of weight training three times per week.
The results? Cardio exercise burned visceral fat and improved risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, such as insulin resistance, liver enzymes and triglyceride levels. Resistance training alone didn't deliver these perks; however, those who did both saw similar results to the aerobic group.
If you want to burn the belly fat, get your heart rate up and get moving! Use these tips to reach your goals:
- Calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Multiply by 0.8 to determine 80% of your maximum heart rate.
- Purchase a heart rate monitor and aim to reach 80% of your maximum heart rate while jogging or running 12 miles per week.
- You can add weight training two to three times per week for other benefits, but the cardio element is vital!
- To speed up results, cut calories by 200-300 per day using these tips:
- Get rid of liquid calories in sodas, juices, sports drinks, alcohol and sweet tea.
- Reduce snacks to no more than 100 calories each. Limit snacks to two per day.
- At meal times, use a 9-inch plate and fill 1/2 of your plate with vegetables.
- Eliminate fried foods.
- If you snack at night, set a cut off time for eating three hours before bedtime.